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Play the True/False Game
Learn some quirky facts about Sarah by playing the true/?false game. She’ll tell you ten things about herself. Six will be true and four will be false. You get to try to figure out which is which. Ready? Click on a question to reveal the answer.
False. Sarah Lynn is not her full name. It’s her first and middle name. She promised herself if she ever became an author, she’d use a pen name. It sounds so mysterious, doesn’t it?
True. With all that standing at the barre, she found ballet boring.
True. You’re probably thinking “how can #2 and #3 both be true?” But they are. After some time off from ballet (she still did tap and jazz), she discovered she actually loved classical ballet. She became very serious about it and trained many hours every day. She spent summers away from home, training in Pennsylvania and Texas. She did consider becoming a professional dancer, but ultimately she decided to devote her energy to her college education.
False. Sarah is the oldest of four children. She has one sister and two brothers. Her youngest brother was adopted when she was fourteen, so she and her best friend used to argue about who got to hold him. He was pretty cute
True, believe it or not. It’s only possible because two of the jobs are part-time. Sarah is a clinical social worker. She provides mental health and counseling services.
Job 1: she works part time within the school system, providing group and individual counseling for students.
Job 2: She has a small private practice, where she sees couples, families, adults and children.
Job 3: (full time) She is a mom! This is the most important and wonderful job ever! She juggles everything else part-time because it allows her the flexibility to spend the most time possible with her own children.
She used to have 4 jobs, if you can believe it. One semester a year she taught a course at CLU (California Lutheran University) within their MFT (Masters of Family Therapy) program. She hopes to go back to this as soon as her schedule allows.
Note: she doesn’t count writing as a job. It’s for fun!
True. Go Bruins!
True. Wait – Wait! How can this possibly be true? She couldn’t have gone to UCLA and USC! Doesn’t she know they are rivals? Answer: It is true. She went to UCLA to get her bachelor’s in psychology and USC to get her master’s degree in social work. And yes, she does know they are rivals. In case you’re curious, she always roots for UCLA!
False. As much as she likes cats, Sarah is incredibly allergic to them. Her throat itches and her nose runs like a faucet (not a pretty sight). So, no cats for her.
Big Fat False. Sarah has been known to faint flat on the floor at the sight of a needle. She is totally and completely petrified.
True. Mostly. Okay, it’s up for debate. She insists she is not ticklish. But her husband thinks if you get her in just the right place under her neck, or even better…under her armpits… she’ll squirm. Still– she insists she is not ticklish.
Which ones are true and which ones are false? Check your answers by clicking on the questions.

Sarah keeps her tap shoes handy, just in case!

Sarah with crazy bangs (approximately age 14)

Sarah in dance team photo (approximately age 16)

Sarah at barre (approximately age 17)